Friends' Visit: Owlpen Manor


Owlpen Manor is a hidden gem in a Gloucestershire valley between Tetbury and Stroud. It is one of the most romantic Tudor manor houses in the south of England. A charming hillside garden is set on seven hanging terraces of the 16th/17th centuries, with magnificent yew topiary, old roses and box parterres. Re-ordered in the 1720s, the garden is today a historic survival of great interest and rarity. There is a circular walk around the early Georgian mill pond and lake and the walled kitchen garden is a delight. The house dates from 1450 to 1616 with Arts and Crafts repairs of 1926 when the house was saved from 80 years of dereliction. The interiors contain a series of unique painted textiles, as well as a famous collection of Cotswold Arts and Crafts furniture and fittings. On arrival the group will be split into two – one will have a guided tour of the house by a member of the Mander family while the other group can explore the gardens and Church on their own. After the second house tour, the visit ends with a cream tea served in the medieval Cyder Barn. Please note: The house has steep stairs with uneven floors which can be slippery in places and the gardens, located on a hillside, consist largely of terraces so there are many steps and some do not have handrails. 

Book your tickets using the form below - this event is for Friends of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum.